About Us

The recent research of MSC lab has focused on intelligent/autonomous mechanical systems and their interaction with humans from manufacturing (industrial robots) to transportation (autonomous driving) with synergies between model-based control methodologies with machine learning.

News and Updates

  • Cal Day 2015

    We welcomed many visitors to our new lab space on Cal Day! (Photo credits: Chen-Yu Chan and Chung-Yen Lin)

    2015 Cal Day

  • Applied Material Visit

    The MSC Lab visited Applied Materials in Santa Clara. Thanks to everyone who helped show us around!

    AMAT visit

  • Graduation 2014

    Congratulations to the new Doctors from the MSC Lab: Kan Kanjanapas and Chi-Shen Tsai. Also congratulations to Yaoqiong Du, Chung-Yen Lin, Changliu Liu, and Raechel Tan for their completion of the Masters program.

    2014 graduation

  • Thanksgiving 2013

    The MSC Lab celebrated Thanksgiving at Prof. Tomizuka's house.

    Thanksgiving 2013

  • DSCC 2013

    The Tomi "family" at DSCC 2013. (Photo credits: Kan Kanjanapas)

    DSCC 2013 1

    (Pictured from left to right. Front row: Bin Yao, Xu Chen, Wenlong Zhang, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Tsu-Chin Tsao, Kan Kanjanapas, Cong Wang. Back row: Soo Jeon, Yizhou Wang, Atsushi Oshima, George T.-C. Chiu, Huei Peng.)

Research Update