About Us

UC Berkeley’s Merchanical Systems Control (MSC) Lab, directed by Professor Masayoshi Tomizuka, is a leading center for research in robotics and mechantronics systems. The lab supports more than 20 postdocs, PhD students, and undergrads pursuing projects in design and control novel mechatronics systems, robot learning and autonomous driving. Please refer to the Research section of this website for more details.

Perspective Students

Thank you for your interest in the MSC Lab.
If you are seeking visiting oppotunities, or if you are an existing Berkeley undergrad or master student hoping to gain hands-on research experience, we encourage you to read the Research section in the website header to learn more about what the MSC Lab is working on. If you are interested in our research and believe you will be a good fit for the MSC Lab, please send an email either to Professor Tomizuka or to the corresponding point of contact. In your email, please enclose your CV and a short statement of what you plan to do in the MSC lab. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you want to join the Berkeley Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. programme and seek Professor Tomizuka's advisory, please follow the official application procedure of UC Berkeley and state Professor Tomizuka as your preferred advisor. You may also send an email to Professor Tomizuka.

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  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    The MSC lab celebrated the 2024 Thanksgiving at Prof Tomizuka’s house. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!