About Us

The recent research of MSC lab has focused on intelligent/autonomous mechanical systems and their interaction with humans from manufacturing (industrial robots) to transportation (autonomous driving) with synergies between model-based control methodologies with machine learning.

News and Updates

  • IEEE Intelligent Vehicles (IV) Symposium 2018 Best Student Paper Award

    Paper “Probabilistic Prediction of Vehicle Semantic Intention and Motion” authored by Yeping Hu, Wei Zhan, and Masayoshi Tomizuka wins the 29th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) Best Student Paper Award.

  • Professor Tomizuka Received the AACC Richard E. Bellman Heritage Award

    Professor Tomizuka has received the AACC Richard E. Bellman Heritage Award at the American Control Conference on June 28, 2018! Congratulations!

    The AACC Richard E. Bellman Heritage Award is the highest lifetime achievement award that can be bestowed upon a US control system engineer or scientist. This prize is given to recognition Professor Tomizuka’s seminal and pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of mechatronic systems control.  

  • Graduation 2018

    Congratulations to the new Doctors and Masters from the MSC Lab:

    Doctors: Yu-Chu Huang, Hsien-Chung Lin, Shuyang Li and Te Tang.

    Masters: Shiyu Jin, Richard Lee and Taohan Wang

    (Photo credits: Chen Tang - Official MSC Photographer)

  • Cal Day 2018

    We welcomed many visitors on Cal Day!

    (Photo credits: Chen Tang)

  • Congratulations to Xu Chen

    Professor Xu Chen of the University of Connecticut, who graduated the MSC Lab in 2013 won the 2018 NSF CAREER Award. Congratulations to Xu!

Research Update