About Us

The recent research of MSC lab has focused on intelligent/autonomous mechanical systems and their interaction with humans from manufacturing (industrial robots) to transportation (autonomous driving) with synergies between model-based control methodologies with machine learning.

News and Updates

  • Group Seminars Begins Today

    The group seminars for Fall 2009 start today.

    lab group

  • Graduation 2009

    Seven members of the MSC Lab walked in the 2008-2009 Commencement. Congratulations to the new doctors: Xuan Fan, Benjamin Fine, Chenghuei Han, Kyoungchul Kong, Sandipan Mishra, Takashi Nagata, and Qixing Zheng.

    2009 graduation

  • Ski Trip 2009

    MSC Lab Group had a wonderful ski trip in Alpine Meadows, Lake Tahoe.

    2009 ski group 1

    2009 ski group 2

Research Update