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Bus Frontal Collision Warning System
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Bus Frontal Collision Warning System

Bus Frontal Collision Warning System. Frontal collision is a frequent incident in transit bus operations. It can result in significant property damage and liability. Passenger falls resulting from emergency braking also contribute to an increased potential for passenger injuries and liability. A Frontal Collision Warning System (CWS) using advanced sensing and computer technologies can increase the safety and efficiency by giving advanced warning to the driver about potential hazards. The advanced warning will give the bus operator an opportunity to adequately respond to the hazard with smother maneuvers. And the passenger fall incidents can be reduced by giving the driver more lead-time to reduce the number of severe deceleration maneuvers.

In implementation, designs will include not only frontal obstacle detection sensor(s), but also front corner detection sensors that can monitor lane-changing vehicle in order to deal with "cut-in" vehicle. The sensing algorithm processes sensor signals and detects potential hazards to communicate the processed information to the driver through the Human Machine Interface (HMI). Collision avoidance actions will be taken by the driver when informed by the HMI that collision is about to occur. (Kun Zhou, October 1999)


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