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Annoucements and Updates from System Administrators
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Annoucements and Updates
Annoucements and Updates
If you wish to log on to mechatro2 from the outside, please use ssh. A copy of teraterm ssh (for windows) has been posted on the web page in the RESOURCES section. Download it and unzip it. You will see an excecutable which you can run. Let me know if you have problems.
Download Site

May 4, 2000. A new machine has replaced the old mechatro3. Matlab, Acroread etc have been installed on the new nachine. Please let me know if you have any problems logging on to mechatro3.
Zip drive and the CD read-write will be configured in due course when I find the time.

March 9, 2000. Matlab mode for emacs has been installed on the Linux machines. This will help emacs recognize key words, comments etc in a m file. To use this facility, copy the file .emacs from /home/skel. Excecute the following command:
% cp /home/skel/.emacs ~/.  

February 18, 2000. If you have problems with the bookmark file configuration on the Unix machines, please excecute the following command:
% rm -rf ~/.netscape
This will delete your current netscape settings. The next time you open netscape, the usual new user dialog boxes come up with information about your bookmarks and cache directories.

November 29, 1999. The Zip Drive can be accessed from mechatro2. Please check the page "About Unix Machines" in the Resources page for more info.
Please back up your data on the zip disk as frequently as possible. Information on how to compress your directory and put in in your zip disk will be posted shortly.

November 21, 1999. LMI toolbox for matlab installed on mechatro1 and mechatro2. This is the package from Prof. Ghaoui (EECS) which does more than the available commercial software. Type :  
at the Matlab prompt  
Information about the software available on the Windows machines have been posted. Please check the page on "About Windows machines".

November 16, 1999. Psutils installed on mechatro2. The psnup utility helps you print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper. A script file (named ps2) is available in /home/skel/ directory. Please copy that to your home dierctory. Run it:
~/ps2 your_file_name.dvi
This will generate a file which has your stuff printed out on multiple pages!
This is a very useful utility for doing rough drafts. SAVE ON PAPER please!

November 7, 1999. Latex Styles that are probably(?) not available with Miktex have been made available. Please look at the online primers section of the resources page.

September 20, 1999. First upload of Resources section.

MSC Lab. Homepage is created and maintained by Soichi Ibaraki and Shashikanth Suryanarayanan.
Please feel free to send comments to us at