Fault Management in the AHS architecture looks at ensuring safe
operation of the highway system in the event of faults in the
components of the vehicles. A hierarchical fault management structure
has been is being developed where information about the state of
operation of the system is exchanged between the different layers of
the AHS architecture.
Current research focusses on the physical layer of the AHS structure
and more specifically to fault managemnet in the lateral control
system of Automated Vehicles.
The lateral control system presents an interesting challenge to fault
tolerant design. Because of its high bandwidth nature, conventional
techniuques of fault detection and reconfiguration will not yield
satisfactory results. This has motivated research on fault tolerant
controllers. These controllers (if successfully developed) will ensure
stability of the lateral control system even in the case of single
failure of the components. This method also enables more reliable
detection of faults and therefore will reduce false alarms and missed
Topics related to the current research include:
Simultaneous Stabilization
Robust Stability Analysis and Control
Parameter Estimation
Detection Filter Design
(Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, August 1999)